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Terms of sale.
'When the metal comes alive'. Let it be a joy for live
'Quand le métal prend vie'. c'est la joie pour la vie
... en het metaal komt tot leven. Laat het een plezier zijn voor uw leven.

Thank you for your intrest in my work
Merci pour votre intéresse
Dank u voor uw belangstelling in mijn werk
Peter Meyers
All prices are exclusive of shipping/transport charges.
Payments can be made by bank transfer or effectuated securely online by using your credit or debit card with PayPal, without requiring a PayPal account.
Further details and cost of shipping will be provided upon email request. Please send us
the name of the sculpture you like to purchase or are inquiring about
your name and delivery address
your method of payment: bank transfer or PayPal
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